Sunday, April 15, 2012

Lame ass weekend...

It's 1 on a Monday afternoon. I have to be at work at 230. I have been up since 10-ish and all I've done was shower, get depressed, eat a little, and go back to bed.

I was suppose to go to the bank to wire money home. Didn't happen....

Weekend recap - It was another weekend that began with great expectations and ended with the failure to meet any of them.

Saturday was subdude. But I did put a lot of effort in making the pasta salad for the picnic I was suppose to go on Sunday. I spent way too much money and even made a 2nd trip to the store for more cucumbers. The night was fine until I made my weekly call home to my mom. I won't go into details other than the call put me in a negative mood. That's how I ended my night, in a bad mood.

Sunday began on time and fell apart as the morning went on.

My bad mood was still around. I needed to be on a subway train at 1030am with 1040am being the absolutely last chance train I could take to get to the meetup on time.

I got up at 930 with intent on being at the bus stop at 10. But while I was showering and getting ready all the bad feelings from the night before crept in and took hold. The anger built up to where I was talking to myself in the shower being psycho.

By the time I came to my senses, I was 10 minutes late. I got to the bus stop and the bus took forever to arrive. It turns out there was also a marathon happening in Suwon. That put me back even later.

By the time I got to the subway station, I was 20 minutes past my fail-safe point. I get to the train and the doors close right as I got to the train. At that point I threw in the towel. I wanted to go to the picnic but I really only wanted to see a girl from the last meetup...

So I ended up going back to my apartment, ate pasta salad (litterally for 2 days) and watched the new Morgan Spurlock Comic-Con movie

The weekend could of been better but oh well

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