Friday, December 28, 2012

Been away too long I know...

It's been a while. I have started numerous drafts but have never finished any. I just didn't have anything important to say...

I've been home from South Korea for 2 and a half months. I lived there for a year and 6 days...

I will go back. That is a near certainty. My time there was the only time in my adult life where I've been able to take care of myself and my mom financially. I also liked the country, a lot.

And I feel I've disrespected it by not learning the language and not being open to being "the fish out of water" as I could of been. There is a lot more to do and see there. I need another year, at least...and I'm gonna see who I can con into going back with me...

I also want to say I miss my old school. I would of liked another year to be a better teacher for the kids. When I told the students on my last regular day I was leaving I was a bit surprised by their sadness I was leaving. I have become a bit "grumpy old man" and I when one student started crying when I told her, It broke my heart. Children should be nothing but happy...At that moment If my old boss came in and said we will keep you for 20% less money and you have to live with a hobo, I would have done it...

In the time I have been home I've....really done nothing...I've spent money...laid around the house....and basically ignored things I need to deal with...Mom's happy I'm home. I'm happy to see her but she's losing her house and now with a month left before we have to leave nothing has been done to really prepare...How do you go from a house full of a lifetime of stuff to...I don't know?

I've all my paperwork done to get back to Korea but no one's even responded to my emails yet. I've picked up the pace as my desperation grows, sending out multiple resumes daily.

And I think my depression is getting the point I am investigating therapy options...

that's it...

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