Sunday, January 6, 2013

Weekly Banality Update 1-6-2013

trying a new thing to keep me writing, nothing heavy just the trivial stuff...

I got a Nook tablet just before Christmas...I discovered I really missed reading. I read The Hunger Games and The Silver Linings Playbook within the first week of having the Nook . Both were great, quick reads, highly recommended. Presently reading The Hobbit and Catching Fire

back on the video game horse:
This holiday I went a little ape-shit with all the Black Friday, Blockbuster 50% off all used games $20 or less, Xbox live holiday and Steam sales

Xbox 360 (disc)
  1. Forza Horizons - you got me hooked I must say...
  2. Xcom: Enemy Unkown - haven't even opened it yet
  3. Binary Domain  - haven't even opened it yet
  4. Madden 12 - upgraded from '09 version
  5. NCAA Football 12  - upgraded from '09 version
  6. Rocksmith - now if I can get off my ass and play it more, it seems really fun...
  7. Need For Speed: Shift - it was $5, not bad, just an impulse buy
Xbox 360 (Xbox Live) - I bought 8000 microsoft points over black friday as well so I had points to spend
  1. Bully: Scholarship Edition - had it on PS2, but sold it on Ebay, now have it again...
  2. Mark of the Ninja - haven't tried it yet 
  3. DLC for Trials HD, Trials Evolution, Fruit Ninja Kinect, Oblivion
  4. The Walking Dead: Episodes 2-5 - if 1st episode is any indication, this will be a hell of a ride not for the faint of heart
Playstation 3
  1. God of War Saga - for $15, 5 games, 1 month of PS+, a freaking great deal, the main thing I wanted from Black Friday
  2. Borderlands 2 - haven't even opened it yet
  3. Lollipop Chainsaw - started's very
  4. Rage  - haven't even opened it yet, got it from Kmart, impulse buy at $10
  5. The Ico & Shadow of the Colossus Collection - haven't tried it yet, but nostalgia from my PS2 days. especially more so that the end is sooner than later for the PS2
  6. Assassins Creed: Revelations - PS3 version comes w/ the first Assassins Creed, and for $10, another deal...
PC - Holiday sale on Steam:
  1. Galactic Civilizations II - scifi strategy, yes please
  2. Dropitz - impulse buy, at $0.99, I'm ok with it
  3. FTL: Faster Than Light - a spaceship sim, again yes please
  4. Fate of the World: Tipping Point - world sim, I like this stuff, now I have to just make time and play all these PC games
  5. From Dust - I played the demo on XBL, I like it, great price, so yeah this happened too
Movie Time:
I recommend Silver Linings Playbook (see the movie 1st before you read the book), Like Crazy (good but depressing), Butter (straight up funny, in a Cedar Rapids meets Election sort of way)

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